Friday, September 6, 2013

MOVIE: King Kong

  • Directed By: Peter Jackson 
  • Released: December 5, 2005
  • Actors:
Naomi Watts(Ann Darrow)
Jack Black (Carl Denham)
Adrien Brody (Jack Driscoll)
Colin Hanks(Preston)
Thomas Kretschmann (Captain)
Kyle Chandler (Bruce Baxter)
Jamie Bell(Jimmy)
Andy Serkis(Kong)

  • Sum it Up!
Carl Denham is willing to risk the life of his film crew, actors and himself for the movie of a lifetime. He holds in his hands a map to a mysterious unchartered island, with creatures the civilized world has never seen. The naïve director soon realizes they are in very real danger when the native people to the island take his leading actress Miss Darrow. Now it's up to a handful of men to find one woman in an unknown world.  

  • Love, Like or Take a Hike?
I would give this a Like! The graphics in the movie are absolutely amazing, though I would expect nothing less from Peter Jackson. Sadly, I can't finish the movie. I always stop the movie before they capture Kong; it is too sad to watch them do that because it's a reflection on how people are abusing animals in real life. I don't know, maybe I'm putting too much feeling and thought into it, but It's my opinion. I do enjoy everything up to that point though!
  • Clip or Something? Movie Trailer)

  • Anything Like it?
The Adventures of Tintin           
Directed By: Steven Spielberg      
Released: December 23, 2011        

Directed By: James Cameron
Released: December 18, 2009

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